King Jesus Is More Valuable Than Gold

"The silver is Mine, and the gold is Mine"

says the Darling of Heaven and the Desire of the Nations in Haggai 2:8 NKJV

Your imagination is a playground where you can invite GOD to play with you.

Steps 9 - 12

Step 9

How it works...


Jesus and Holy Spirit can help you do this by submitting your imagination into Their care, custody, and control.


Imagine your imagination as a giant playground with a giant, multicolor cross. As selfish or mean thoughts come onto your playground, grab them, put them in a garbage bag, place them at the foot of the cross, and ask Jesus to send your garbage to Hell where it belongs.


If the same thought enters your mind again, go through the same process until your playground is clean again.


Once you have a clean playground, Holy Spirit, Jesus, and Papa come to play!


• What are the desires of your heart?

• What do you want to accomplish?

• What problems do you want to solve?

• What illnesses do you want to cure?

• Who do you want to protect?

• What injustice needs to be corrected?

• What business do you want to start?

• What invention do you want to invent?

• What songs do you want to write?

• What fashions do you want to create?


You are unleashed to dream whatever you and GOD can come up with!  Nothing is impossible with GOD helping you!  What noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy accomplishments would you want to do as a covert Superhero to assist your King Jesus rule His Garden-of-Eden Kingdom?

Step 10

GOD's answer is, 'Yes!'


"I am telling you what is true. Whoever believes in Me will do the same things that I have been doing. Yes, he will do even greater things than these, because I will go to my Father. Ask Me to help you. If you ask anything in My Name, I will do it for you. In that way, the Son will show everyone how great the Father is. Yes, you should ask Me for anything in My Name. I will do it for you." 


- Jesus in John 14:12-14 EASY


This is to glorify GOD, so dream BIG!  Dream of what GOD...


• Infinite (Without Origin)

• Immutable (Never Changing)

• Self-Sufficient (No Needs)

• Omnipotent (All Powerful)

• Omniscient (All Knowing)

• Omnipresent (Everywhere)

• Wise (Source of our Smarts)

• Faithful (Better than dogs)

• Good (Always good. All the time)

• Just (Perfectly Fair)

• Merciful (Compassionate & Kind)

• Gracious (Inclined to spare the guilty)

• Loving (Unchangeably loves us)

• Holy (Infinitely Perfect)

• Glorious (Too good to be true!)


...can do through you acting as His hands, feet, and voice.  Pretend that King Jesus is your Boss with unlimited resources and you are His productive and efficient executive assistant. What does He want to accomplish with your help? He is the most generous and amazing Boss, so go pursue your dreams and do as He asks and He will share with you all of the benefits!

Step 11

GOD prepares you to succeed


The bigger your dream, the more preparation and training GOD will need to invest in you so that you succeed. This will feel like you are a grape being pressed into new wine and you are.


While it may look like He's stalling your shared dream during the time of preparation, He isn't. You are being made ready to succeed at your dreams. Also, there are often other players and circumstances that need to be arranged behind the scenes to ensure your success.


GOD knows best.  


Trust Jesus' timing.


It will all happen because GOD is great!


I got this.



Ask Him to keep you in the center of His will so He will launch you when you and your stage is ready rather than when you think you're ready.  If you wait for Him to do the work necessary in you and for you, your success is assured. 


If you launch yourself early, who knows what will happen?


Don't give up.  He is trustworthy.  He is faithful. He loves you and wants the best for you. He's been planing for you and your dreams to succeed since before He created our Earth.  


He's more excited about you succeeding and fulfilling all of your dreams than you are!

Step 12



Pursue your relationships with GOD and commit yourself to first advancing Jesus' Garden-of-Eden Kingdom.  


Jesus promises that all things will be given to you when you align yourself with Jesus' priorities, passions, perspective, and plans by pursuing first His Kingdom.


"Start by doing what is necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible."


- St. Francis of Assisi